ABOUT Soymilk

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Benefits of soymilk
Soymilk is the plant-based milk alternative in our lineup of products that’s most nutritionally comparable to dairy milk. Our soymilk is a good source of complete protein, with up to 9 grams of protein per serving. All our soymilks are a good source of Vitamin D and a good source of Calcium, plus they’re low in saturated fat. They’re also vegan, free of dairy, gluten, carrageenan, and artificial flavors and colors. From certified organic unsweetened soymilk to chocolate, there’s a taste for everyone.
How is soymilk made?
Our rich and creamy soymilk begins with whole-harvested soybeans grown in the U.S. and Canada. We begin with the whole bean, then the beans are pressed in filtered water, preserving the soy protein. Our soymilk is verified by the Non-GMO Project’s Product Verification Program. We balance 100% of the water used in our manufacturing plants to make our soymilk, restoring it to nature.
Is soymilk bad for you?
The medical and nutrition communities, as well as government agencies, agree that soy can play a valuable role in a healthy, balanced diet for men, women and children alike. Soy is a source of complete plant protein, meaning that it contains all the essential amino acids in adequate proportions. Silk Soymilk is also a good source of calcium and vitamin D—two nutrients important for both kids and adults.
Nature’s beloved bean
We love soy, and we always will. It’s how we started. Tofu and soymilk go way back in time to China in the second century B.C. Nourishing and economical, both quickly became staples throughout Asia. Soymilk made the leap to Europe in the middle of the fifteenth century and into the United States around 1900. Then Silk® Soymilk popped into your grocer’s dairy case, and we’re still at it today.
*Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and as low as possible in trans fat, may reduce the risk of heart disease.